Grr, arrgh
Right now, I'm not doing anything in relation to what I'd planned to be doing at this time with regards to finding work.
It's like there's a horrible catch-22 at work here: I'm too unmotivated to do anything useful, and then because I haven't done anything useful, I feel guilty and unmotivated. Argh!
I think part of the reason for the lack of motivation in the first place is that I don't
love the job I'm trying to get. I just feel like, if I was actually enthusiastic about my line of work, that'd be a bigger motivation, right? But I don't know what else to do since I would like to have a source of income sooner rather than later, and so really my best bet at getting gainful employment is in the field of accounting. Whoop-dee-doo.
Not that I'm not enjoying sitting around like a bum all day and talking to friends online, but really, I think if I stay in this bum state for too long I'll never get out of it, y'know what I mean? I'm a creature of habit, and if I get too used to just sitting around all day, to the point where I consider it normal and acceptable, then it'll be even harder for me to change.
Luckily I've got some friends and family who can provide support or advice [though sometimes wrt my parents, this 'advice' is unsolicited and unhelpful], but in order for this to work at all I have got to get myself out of this damned funk and GET GOING ALREADY. It's nobody's fault but my own.
Sigh. If I were being paid for whatever I'm doing/neglecting to do now, that would be PERFECT. I'm actually kind of enjoying unemployment except for the part where I'm a bum and the part where I have no income other than employment insurance, hahahaha why is this my life.
Labels: general, work